1. Publisher of this website

Clic Gauche
SARL with capital of €10,000 registered with the RCS of Paris under no. 512850421
Intracommunity VAT: FR34512850421
Head office: 9 rue de l’Arc de Triomphe – 75017 Paris
E-mail: internet@clic-gauche.com
Website : www.clic-gauche.com

2. Host

Address: AMEN SASU, 12-14, Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées 75008 Paris
Tel: 0 811 88 77 66
E-mail: “Contact us” section of www.amen.fr

3. Responsible for the information on this website

Manager’s name: Hervé DUPERRET
Postal address of the head office : 6 rue de Châtillon, La Rigourdière 35510 Cesson-Sévigné
Hotel address: 23 rue du Château Landon – 75010 Paris
Tel: +33(0)1 83 64 53 53
Email : contact@bloomhouse-hotel.com
Siret number: 85158900200035

4. Applicable law and jurisdiction

This legal notice is governed by French law. Any dispute relating to the use of this site shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

If you have any questions about this legal notice, please contact us using the details given above.

5. Intellectual property

All content present on this site (text, images, graphics, logos, icons, videos, etc.) is the exclusive property of the site owner or is subject to authorization for use. They are protected by French and international laws on intellectual property. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation, total or partial, of the contents of this site, whatever the means or process used, is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from the owner of the site.

1. When and how can you contact the consumer mediator?

After contacting the Company’s [customer, litigation, etc.] department and in the absence of a satisfactory response within 60 days, the customer can contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details appear below:

Address :
Tourism and Travel Mediation
BP 80 303 75 823
Paris Cedex 17

Website: www.mtv.travel

2. Cold calling

According to Article L.223-2 of the French Consumer Code: “When a professional collects telephone data from a consumer, he informs the consumer of his right to register on the telephone canvassing opposition list.” Customers can exercise their right to oppose telephone canvassing by registering with Bloctel : https://www.bloctel.gouv.fr/

The user has the option of registering on the anti-solicitation list by calling +33 1 39 10 15 15.

3. Right of withdrawal

Article L. 221-28 of the French Consumer Code states: “The right of withdrawal may not be exercised for contracts: (…)12° for the provision of accommodation services, other than residential accommodation, goods transport services, car rental, catering or leisure activities to be provided on a specific date or during a specific period; […].

4. Dispute resolution

You can find all the information on the following link: https: //ec.europa.eu/

Any access and use of this website indicates that the user has read these terms of use and has agreed to be bound by them. If this is not the case, the user must not use or access this site and must leave it immediately.

Cookie Policy

1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file sent with the pages of this website and stored by your browser on the hard disk of your computer or other device. The information it contains may be sent back to our servers or those of the third parties concerned during a subsequent visit.

2. What are scripts?

A script is a piece of code that enables our website to function correctly and interactively. This code runs either on our server or on your device.

3. What is an invisible tag?

An invisible tag (or web tag) is a small piece of text or image that is invisible on a website. It is used to track website traffic by storing various data about you.

4. What types of cookies are there and why do websites use them?

Cookies fall into two main categories:

– Internal cookies (or session cookies)
– Third-party cookies (or persistent cookies)

4.1 Internal cookies

Internal cookies are set by the website you are visiting. The website stores them in temporary memory and deletes them when you close your browser.

Not only do they help website operators improve the user experience by tracking their activities, including remembering what you’ve put in your shopping cart, but they’re also classified as “strictly necessary cookies” under the GDPR (and are exempt from the consent requirement).

Strictly necessary cookies are essential for browsing a website and using all its features and functions. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to log on to a website or add items to a shopping cart.

4.2 Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies, on the other hand, remain on your device until they expire or until you manually delete them. They are more difficult to justify, as they allow advertisers to track users across the entire Web, known as “cross-site tracking”.

Privacy policy

1. Personal Data Protection Commitments

The site owner undertakes to guarantee a high level of protection for the personal data of its customers, prospective customers and website users.

2. Analysis tools used

2.1. Matomo:

We are delighted to inform you that we have chosen to employ an analysis tool that embodies our values of privacy and ethics.

We use Matomo, a leading solution in its field. You can find out more about Matomo by visiting their website: https: //fr.matomo.org/. Matomo stands out for its privacy-friendly approach, requiring no consent for cookies. This guarantees the confidentiality of our visitors. What’s more, Matomo is rigorously compliant with RGPD regulations and has received CNIL approval, demonstrating its commitment to data privacy.

Data Collected by Matomo:Matomo collects information related to the user experience on our website. This includes data such as time spent on pages, actions taken (clicks, scrolls), type of device used, screen resolution, and geographic location (limited to country only).

Data Collection by Matomo : Matomo uses cookies to collect this data. Please note that user consent is not required, as tracking cookies are not used. For further information: https: //fr.matomo.org/cookie-consent-banners/

What is the purpose of the data collected by Matomo?The data collected by Matomo is used exclusively for analysis purposes. They enable us to better understand user behavior on our site, optimize the user experience and improve our service.

Is the data anonymous? Yes, the data is completely anonymized.

How long does Matomo keep its data?Old data is automatically deleted after 744 days, while reports are kept for 36 months. If a user does not wish to be tracked despite anonymization measures, an unsubscribe link is available in this document.

Access to Data by Matomo:Data collected by Matomo is accessible only by designated administrators of our website, for the purpose of performing analysis and optimizing the user experience.

Where are Matomo’s servers located? Oblivion Cloud Control BV (Xebia) in the Netherlands guarantees a secure infrastructure, with off-site backups in Dublin, Ireland, all under the supervision of AWS Europe. All data is stored in Europe.

Is there RGPD compliance? We are committed to ensuring compliance with the GDPR by implementing measures such as data anonymization, the appointment of a GDPR Officer, the ability for users to disable any tracking, the use of proprietary cookies by default, visibility of data collected, the ability to delete visitor data upon request, and ensuring that data is not used for any purpose other than analysis.

Exercising rights :In accordance with the RGPD, users have the right to access their data, withdraw their consent, benefit from “Do Not Track”, request data portability, object to processing, request the deletion of historical data, demand the erasure of data, and benefit from anonymization features. All these rights can be exercised by contacting us via the contact details indicated in our Legal Notice or at the bottom of the page on our website.

Unsubscribe from Matomo Follow-up

Further information: For more information, visit https://matomo.org/ and https://matomo.org/privacy-policy/

2.2 Using WPML

We use WPML to manage regional settings. This data is not shared with third parties, the cookie expires after 1 day and it enables the correct setting of languages.

2.3 Integrating social networks

Nous avons inclus du contenu provenant d’Instagram sur notre site web afin de promouvoir des pages web sur des réseaux sociaux tels qu’Instagram. This content is integrated using code obtained from Instagram, and places cookies. These cookies may store and process certain information for personalized advertising purposes.

We invite you to regularly consult the privacy statement of these social networks to find out how your (personal) data processed using these cookies is used. Recovered data is anonymized as far as possible. Instagram is located in the United States.

3. Contact form

It should also be noted that this site may include contact forms designed to collect information essential for responding to our customers’ requests for quotes or reservations. This information may include personal data such as e-mail address or telephone number. We would like to stress that this data is collected solely to enable our team to respond effectively to your request.

We respect the confidentiality of our users and emphasize that filling in these forms is completely optional. If you prefer not to provide any personal data, we simply ask you not to fill in the form. It is important to note that, in all cases, the user will have to tick a consent box for his data to be used in connection with his request.

We would also like to assure you that under no circumstances will your personal data be used for canvassing purposes. Our sole aim is to meet your requirements efficiently and professionally.

We would like to assure you that your personal data will under no circumstances be used for resale or distribution to third parties for advertising purposes. We are committed to protecting your privacy.

4. Your rights

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete information concerning you. You can exercise this right by sending us an e-mail to the e-mail or postal address given at the bottom of the page or in our Legal Notice.

5. Liability

The company Clic Gauche, editor of this site, disclaims all responsibility if the user visiting this website had to disclose or register through electronic addresses: e-mail or booking form, any bank details.

Société Clic Gauche cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions despite the care taken in compiling this site.

6. Changes to the Declaration

Le propriétaire du site se réserve le droit d’adapter la politique de protection des données personnelles. When substantial changes are made to this Declaration, we publish a link to the Declaration on the home page of our site.



In the context of the use of its services and in particular the services accessible on its website, its mobile site, its online store and its mobile applications, Bloom House Hotel, in its capacity as data controller, is likely to collect and process personal data concerning you.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of prospects and visitors to our websites, mobile sites, online stores and mobile applications. All processing of personal data implemented as part of the accessible services complies with applicable local regulations on the protection of personal data and in particular with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) or “RGPD”.


The Bloom House Hotel is committed to guaranteeing a high level of protection for the personal data of its customers, prospective customers, users of its sites: website, mobile site, online store and mobile applications and any other person whose personal data it processes.

The Bloom House Hotel undertakes to comply with the regulations applicable to all processing of personal data that it implements:

  • Your personal data will be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently;
  • Your personal data is collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and is not further processed in a way that is incompatible with those purposes;
  • Your personal data are kept in an adequate and relevant manner and are limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;
  • Your personal data will be kept accurate and up to date and all reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that inaccurate data, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without delay.

The Bloom House Hotel implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk inherent in its processing operations, to meet regulatory requirements and to protect the rights and data of data subjects from the outset of processing operations.

In addition, Bloom House Hotel contractually imposes the same level of personal data protection on its subcontractors (service providers, suppliers, etc.).


A – Depending on the purpose of the collection

The personal data we collect varies depending on the purpose of the collection and the Service we provide.

Generally, we may directly collect the following categories of personal data:

  • Personal details, such as your surname, first name, e-mail address, postal address and telephone number(s);
  • the identifiers used to access your online account, i.e. username and password. This is necessary for us to create a personal user account;
  • exchanges with us, which may include details of conversations via chat, customer service ;
  • demographic information, such as your age, gender and lifestyle preferences (including your favorite products and your interest in them);
  • browsing history, such as the pages visited, the date of the visit, the location at the time of the visit, or the IP address;
  • information relating to payment when a purchase or reservation is made on one of our sites, online stores or applications. The invoice is usually issued with your name, billing address and payment details, such as your credit card or bank account;

We may also collect personal data about you indirectly when you share content on social networks, websites, stores or applications relating to our products and services, or respond to our posts and promotional announcements on social networks.

B – Personal data concerning minors

Bloom House Hotel does not collect or process personal data relating to children under the age of 18 without the prior consent of the child’s parents or guardians.

If personal data concerning children is collected via our websites, mobile sites, online stores and mobile applications, parents or guardians may object by contacting us at the address given at the bottom of this page.


A – Means of collecting your data

In the context of our relationship, you may communicate your personal data to us by various means, in particular on our websites, mobile sites, online store and mobile applications, when you browse the Internet, make purchases, make reservations, fill in the various collection forms, subscribe to our e-newsletter, create an account, submit an application, post comments on our social networking pages, make contact with our establishment, or send us your personal data in any other way.

B – IP address

The IP address is a series of numbers automatically assigned to your computer by your ISP each time you connect. Each time you visit the site, our servers record your visit. We collect IP addresses in order to analyze trends on the site. We do not transmit any information that could identify you, which means that your session will be recorded, but will remain anonymous for us. We may use your IP address in cooperation with your Internet service provider to identify you in the event that we need to enforce the Terms of Use to protect our services, customers or to comply with applicable laws.

C – Cookies

In order to constantly improve the quality of the services offered on our sites: website, mobile site, online store and mobile application, and to ensure that they meet your expectations, Bloom House Hotel may use “cookies”, text files used to identify your terminal when you connect to one of our services. The deposit of cookies or tracers in your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) allows Bloom House Hotel to collect information and personal data, according to your choice of settings on your terminal.

Types of cookies used :

  • Cookies essential to the use of the site. They enable you to use the site’s main functions, such as purchasing or booking services. If you disable the use of cookies, you will no longer be able to benefit from these functions. The information stored may not be used for commercial purposes.
  • Site performance cookies. Performance cookies allow us to optimize our website and to detect any technical problems you may encounter. They enable us to collect information about how you use the site, such as the number of visits per page, the number of error messages displayed, the time spent on a page, or the number of clicks on an area of the site. The information stored may not be used for commercial purposes.
  • Functionality cookies. These cookies enable the site to remember the choices you’ve made (such as your username, language choice or location) and provide more precise, personal features. These cookies can also be used to remember changes made by the user, such as text size or font. They may also be used to provide services that you have requested, such as watching a video or leaving a comment on a blog. The information collected by these cookies can be made anonymous and cannot track your browsing activity on other sites. By using our website, you agree to receive this type of cookie on your device.
  • Advertising marketing cookies. These cookies collect information about your web browsing habits in order to serve you ads that are tailored to you and your interests. They also allow us to limit the number of times you see an advertisement and help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. They are usually installed by advertising networks with the permission of the website operator. They memorize visits to a site and share this information with other companies (advertisers, for example). Targeted or advertising cookies are often linked to site functionalities provided by the partner company. Information is collected and shared with third parties to provide audience targeting and optimization solutions for advertisers and publishers. No personal data is collected, and no individual can be identified via the data collected.
  • Cookies from third-party websites and social networks Our website contains links and/or content to other websites and social networks, and we do not know which cookies are used by them. To find out more, please consult the information provided by these third-party sites and social networks on their own cookies.

D – Respecting your privacy

We are committed to protecting your privacy and respect the following 2 principles.

– We do not associate any information with your cookies that directly and personally identifies you. Cookies do not allow us to know your address, date of birth, telephone number or any other information that could identify you.

– We do not provide any personal information to advertisers or third-party sites that display our ads based on your interests.

If your computer or cell phone is used by several people, or if it has several browsers, the content displayed to other users may correspond to your preferences. If you wish, you can change your browser settings.

For more information on how cookies and targeted advertising work, please visit the Cnil website: https: //www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-les-outils-pour-les-maitriser.

E – Links to third-party sites

Our sites: website, mobile site, online store and mobile applications may contain links to third party websites.

We are not responsible for the collection, use, management, sharing or disclosure of data and information by these third parties.

The provision of information on third party sites is governed by the privacy policy and terms of use of those sites. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of these websites before submitting any personal information.


Your data is mainly used for reservation and purchase purposes (supply of services, specific services and products), canvassing, loyalty, promotion, commercial information, satisfaction surveys, organization of competitions, new services and products designed to improve your customer experience within our establishment, statistical studies, recruitment, after-sales service, processing of your requests and/or complaints. In addition to the cases where your consent has been obtained (in particular to send you personalized offers), the processing of your data for the various purposes mentioned above is notably necessary:

  • To ensure performance of the service contract ;
  • To comply with a legal obligation ;
  • For the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by our company (in particular developing new services and offers, improving customer service, etc.).

In particular, your data will be used :

  • To enable you to benefit from all the services available on the website of our establishment, its mobile site, its store and its mobile applications: creation of a user account, e-newsletter, reservation management, assistance and complaints, management of loyalty programs, etc. ;
  • To enable you to browse our websites;
  • To match our information, notifications, offers and other services to your interests;
  • To facilitate the administrative formalities involved in booking and purchasing.


Bloom House undertakes to keep your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

Retention periods are defined according to the purposes of the processing carried out by Bloom House and take particular account of applicable legal provisions imposing a specific retention period for certain categories of data, any applicable limitation periods and CNIL recommendations concerning certain categories of data processing.


A – Recipients of your data

The data collected on our website, mobile site, online store and mobile applications, may be communicated to our internal staff, or to its ancillary service providers (subcontractors, service providers, banks), in the context of the accomplishment of all or part of the services referred to above. Please note that Bloom House Hotel requires its service providers to implement strict confidentiality and data protection measures.

B – Data transfers outside the European Union

Personal data may be processed outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If this is the case, Bloom House Hotel will do everything in its power to ensure that this international transfer of data has an adequate level of security and guarantees.


In accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, you may, at any time, exercise your rights of access, rectification and deletion of data concerning you, as well as your rights to limit and object to the processing and portability of your personal data.

In addition, you have the legal right to define directives concerning the fate of your personal data after death.

Furthermore, any person who was a minor at the time of collection of his or her personal data may obtain its deletion as soon as possible.

These rights may be exercised by writing to the following address:
Bloom House Hotel
23 rue du Château Landon
75010 Paris – France
Email address:

In this context, we kindly ask you to accompany your request with the elements necessary for your identification (surname, first name, e-mail) as well as any other information necessary to confirm your identity. You also have the right to appeal to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés in the event of a breach of the regulations applicable to the protection of Personal Data and in particular the RGPD.


Ensuring the security and confidentiality of the personal data you entrust to us is a priority for Bloom House Hotel. We implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures, taking into account the nature, scope and context of the personal data you provide and the risks presented by their processing, to protect the security of your personal data and, in particular, to prevent any accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, intrusion or unauthorized access to such data.

We offer a secure online payment system using the latest technology.

Bloom House Hotel strives to combat identity theft on the Internet. This is why we use, for example, a device to detect fraudulent payments made by credit card. This device is designed to protect you in case of loss or theft of your bank card.

The security and confidentiality of personal data depend on everyone’s best practices. That’s why we ask you not to share your passwords with third parties, to always log out of your profile and your social account (especially if you have linked accounts), and to close your browser window at the end of your work session, especially if you access the Internet from a computer shared with other people. This prevents other users from accessing your personal information.


Bloom House Hotel reserves the right to modify its privacy policy. When we make material changes to this Statement, we will post a link to the Statement on the home page of our site.


The user has the option of registering on the anti-solicitation list by calling +33 1 39 10 15 15.

12 - Intellectual property

All content present on this site (text, images, graphics, logos, icons, videos, etc.) is the exclusive property of the site owner or is subject to authorization for use. They are protected by French and international laws on intellectual property.
Photo credits : Adrien Ozouf

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation, total or partial, of the contents of this site, whatever the means or process used, is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from the owner of the site.